When Will I See Thermage Results?

When Thermage Isnt Enough

Are you considering opting for this non-surgical procedure? If yes, be aware that the benefits of Thermage arent guaranteed, so dont be quick to rule out face lift surgery or undergo this procedure solely based on success stories. Since Thermage is hyped up as the procedure that tightens skin, reduces fat and enhances collagen production, theres no wonder why everybody expect spectacular results immediately after treatment.

Unfortunately, the expected results dont show up fast, and they arent that impressive. In fact, it may take up to 5-6 months before the ultimate improvement is seen. Moreover, the results arent permanent. In order to keep the face lift intact, follow-up procedures are needed.

The time frame for follow-up procedures varies, but 18 months after undergoing Thermage, follow-up procedures and minor treatments should be carried out.

After Treatment, Your Skin May Be Slightly Red

Apart from blisters and scabs, Thermage doesnt cause any harsh or adverse side effects. Problems, however, can occur during the procedure. Everything is depended on the doctor whos performing the operation. Problems such as burning, permanent spots of discoloration and various sensation changes are the leading problems that can occur.

The biggest problem with undergoing Thermage is that it can result in irremediable problems or complications that arent easy to correct. For this reason, as previously stated, dont be quick to rule out surgery or undergo Thermage without looking at the pros and cons.

Assuredly, surgery is both time consuming and costly, but, believe it or not, it pays-off in more ways than one.

Unlike Thermage, the results produced by surgery will certainly last a lot longer, and, although, surgery wont suspend or interfere with the aging process, it will enhance your overall appearance.

Before And After Thermage For Tummy

Typically, the time frame for face lift surgery takes 2-3 hours to complete, but, once finished, your skin will be tighten and smoother than ever expected, and your face will have a younger, attractive appeal.

In addition, your mental and emotional health will improve. Thanks to your surgical face life, you will be more confident in any situation.

For this reason, the benefits of a face lift are worth considering before opting for Thermage. Yes, Thermage is cheaper and completely non-invasive, but, unfortunately, the results produced by Thermage wont come close to the results produced by face lift surgery.

In the end, Thermage is a terrific solution, but its not as magical as some success stories and advocates make it out to be. Some people are also reporting good success with newer technologies like stem cell face lift.

Most Patients Can See And Feel Thermage Results Very Soon After Treatment

What is a laser face lift?

Is Thermage worth it? There seem to be a few different views on the subject lately. Thermage utilizes heat and radio frequencies bombarded on the inner layers of the skin to activate the creation of collagen, something that would not happen naturally in the body. The treatments of Thermage cost hundreds or thousands of dollars per year, but the end result is a very youthful appearance for the patient. Demi Moore is a recent example of the effects after Thermage therapy. Just because someone in Hollywood had it done, does that make Thermage a viable and safe procedure for the general public to seek out. As much as it is a medical procedure, it is also technically a form of cosmetic surgery, which carries its own risks. There are very different opinions about the overall effectiveness and whether Thermage is worth going through as a procedure. Also is Thermage cost effective for what it offers and are the results worth the risk? Here are what some people and experts on all sides of the debate think about Thermage therapy.

One Treatment Is All You Will Need To See And Feel Real Results

This is the first argument concerning Thermage therapy, or the one in favor of it. The believers in Thermage therapy are very proactive. Some professional practitioners would say that the results are amazing and that in a single treatment the skin recovered youthfulness for the next half year. The process of skin tightening is recommended by some dermatologists.

The next argument goes something like this, or the skeptical opinion about it. The skeptics about Thermage therapy are less than positive. These professionals would point out that it is only a certain percentage of patients that do well with Thermage therapy.

In fact the numbers are not that positive, some patients receive no actual benefits and worse still, some are left terribly burned and scarred from the procedure. Many dermatologists do not think highly of Thermage, nor would they recommend it.

Results With Thermage Photo

This is the final argument, or the one against the use of Thermage therapy. Those who have undergone the procedure are not all smiles like Demi Moore. Another point of view would be quick to say that Thermage is one of the most painful and dangerous procedures that a person can undergo. The actual burning off of the skin layers is felt, even when the patient had their entire facial skin numbed with lidocaine. Even after this, there were no noticeable results from having the therapy done to them.

Some also would point out that if it works, or if it does not. The results on some patients like Demi Moore are outstanding. If she can look that good, maybe it can work for others too. The high dollars of Thermage cost are also something to consider. If you are considering undergoing a procedure such as Thermage, it is advised that you talk to a medical doctor and friends about your decision first.

Safety should be your most important concern with any medical procedure or cosmetic surgery, under any circumstances.

The Smoothing Of Wrinkly Or Uneven Skin

Other Leading Types Of Laser Skin Resurfacing

Several different types of laser skin resurfacing treatments ensure most candidates can find the right one for their skin. Laser skin treatments can be broken down into two basic categories: ablative laser and nonablative laser. Ablative laser refers to having skin removed, layer by layer. This will produce a more noticeable result and is best for removing scars, spots, and minor wrinkles.

The second, nonablative, does not remove any skin layers but instead stimulates collagen to build new skin faster, and also tightens up the skin underneath. Typical recovery times are two weeks for the skin-removing laser treatment and one week for non-removal of skin layers.

Average national costs for ablative laser treatment is $2,128 for one visit, which is usually all that is needed. Average cost for nonablative laser treatment is $1,359 but more than one visit may be required.

These amounts dont include any hospital costs or fees for anesthesia if a deeper, larger area is treated. Laser skin resurfacing cost is determined by several factors that vary with what outcome is desired. If deeper layers of skin are treated by removal, the cost will be higher.

Thermage At Home Results

Fraxel is a newer type of fractionated laser which is best for treatment of small areas. This leaves the nearby skin alone and thereby able to aid healing of the treated area. By treating microscopic pieces of skin, even deeply, allows the surrounding skin to jumpstart the healing process so less downtime is needed. Usually it consists of two nonablative treatments and one ablative, combining the benefits of each type.

Broad-spectrum pulses of light can be used instead of a laser, although many people think of it as laser beam technology. This is called IPL, intense pulses of light, and can give good results when used to get rid of excessive spider veins and liver spots or birth marks. Used to shrink enlarged pores and erase fine wrinkles by stimulating new collagen to be produced.

Thermage Is A Proven Radiofrequency Treatment

Artisan laser skin rejuvenation is another procedure where both ablative and nonablative laser therapy is used. On average this will require three visits with a total cost of approximately $5,000. The most important thing to remember with any laser skin resurfacing is to have a skilled person doing it. Most laser systems have multiple settings and it is necessary to have qualified technicians determine the specific way for each patient to achieve best results.

The Signs and Prevention of Facial Aging

Unfortunately, facial aging is inevitable and will occur at one point or another in our lives. However, with knowledge of the signs, prevention techniques, and treatments, we can procrastinate that unwanted occurrence. Reflection of our age appears in our skin, as well as other factors such as biology, exposure from the sun, our personal habits, environmental influences, gravity, and facial actions (such as squinting and smiling).

Thermage Treatments Are Typically 45 Minutes For Eyes Or Face

In most cases, signs of facial aging will appear in our 30’s to 40’s; this is the time that skin begins to lose its elasticity. Changes in our skin around this time can include but are not limited to: increased dryness, uneven texture, transparency, and sagging of the skin.

Although a routine skin care agenda helps your skin, facial aging is unavoidable. Thankfully there are treatments out there that are a solution to this obstacle. Thermage, laser skin rejuvenation, botox, chemical peels, collagen, and feather lifts are only a small portion of treatments available to aide with skin aging.

Thermage is the only non-invasive one-time treatment available that contours and tightens you skin; no injections or surgery. Instead, this treatment stimulates your skins rejuvenation of natural collagen, which in turn leads to tighter skin, relaxed wrinkle lines, and an overall younger appearance aspect; all natural looking results.

Your Body Actually Produces New Collagen

On the other hand is it safe? As an attribution to safety, they continue to advance their technology; although, patient satisfaction is at its peak and thermage is considered the industry safe method for the effective results you want.

Laser skin rejuvenation (resurfacing) is a treatment used to achieve smoother, clearer and younger looking skin. Scars, pigmentation, and loss of skin tone are a few examples of complications this treatment has the ability to repair. Although not technically considered surgery, laser skin rejuvenation is considered a medical procedure and should only be contemplated to please you; but only if you are healthy, don’t smoke, and have a positive outlook at the results.

Chemical peels are the elimination of skin blemishes/wrinkles by way of applying acid or another caustic chemical that creates a mild burn. Collagen is an injection, injected into the lip to produce a fuller appearance. A feather lift is a cosmetic surgery that delicately involves implanting cords that lifts and pulls. The result is toning the cheeks and fixing saggy skin. Many other options are out there.