Dr. Lindsey Pennington, MD in Shreveport, Louisiana

Dr. Pennington, Shreveport, Louisiana 18 Year Old Mother Treated With Plastic Surgery Nose Job Candidate

This patient in her early 20's has disliked her nose for years. She underwent a consultation with Dr. Pennington where her potential before and afters were simulated using our 3D morphing software. She then decided to undergo a rhinoplasty to improve the appearance of her nose in addition to a septoplasty to improve the breathing through her nose. The dorsal hump was removed, her nose was narrowed, de-projected, the rotation was increased slightly in addition to straightening out her septum. Not only does she breathe better now, but she loves her new cute nose. It fits her face better and helps showcase her beautiful eyes instead of seeing her nose first

(Aug 16, 2018)