Dr. Sadati Facial Plastic Surgeon 92660

58 Year Old Mother Treated With Plastic Surgery Face Lift Image By Doctor Kevin Sadati, DO, Newport Beach, California

Here is a 55 year old patient that we helped transform. Here are her results after just two months post-op. We focused on a lower face and neck lift. With our technique, we use local anesthesia and twilight sedation. This allows us to get great results without the need for general anesthesia. Our combination of techniques resulted in a more refreshed and youthful look, without drastic changes to her appearance. Now she can get back to enjoying life with her new look. It is our goal to supply a natural look, a life changing experience, restore confidence, while being committed to your overall happiness. At the Gallery of Cosmetic Surgery you will realize your goals are NOT difficult to achieve. (Dec 17, 2019)