Plastic Surgeon Dr Ariel N. Rad, MD, PhD Washington, District of Columbia 20005

34 Year Old Lady Treated With Nose Job Correction Image By Dr. Ariel N. Rad, MD, PhD, Washington, District Of Columbia

Dr. Rad used invisible incisions on the inside of the nostrils (the "closed" approach) and reshaped her tip and bridge. After only 3 weeks swelling is minimal and she is thrilled with her results. Most surgeons use "open" technique which involves a visible scar at the base of the nose and peeling the entire nose skin away from the cartilage and bone. This is unnecessary and results in months of recovery and swelling. The "closed" technique is the minimally invasive approach to rhinoplasty and aims to target specific areas rather than dissecting the entire nose.

(Sep 6, 2019)